Laying the Groundwork
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
The first steps of bringing Yasu back to life have been completed: Creating the project, commiting it to source control and purchasing a domain name.
Next up is a simple site for that domain and figuring out where to host it.
Github Scribbles it is…
I think a new icon is needed. I have an idea of what I want it to look like, with an homage to the original. I’ll doodle on it a bit. A good icon will be crucial to success. If you’re an icon artist and want to contribute, reach out to me on Mastodon or Email to discuss.
The hard part begins after (or during) that…
Actually learning SwiftUI and hacking something into shape with what I learn. Do I focus on learning just the things I need to build my app, or do I focus on the fundamentals first, even though they may not be relevant to the end product?
I think the right approach is to focus on SwiftUI fundamentals. It may mean slow progress to begin with, but in the end I think it will mean a better product.